
Latest Articles - Page 62

Sunward Resources During PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoffs

Young couple looking at budget in home

Save for a Down Payment with Online and Mobile Banking

SLFCU's online and mobile banking make it simple to create and track your progress toward saving for a down payment.

Photo of teen member Mariah Martinez

Teen Article: Money – It Comes, It Goes

Mariah explains why saving your money is a wiser choice than spending it, and how Sunward's Savings Laboratory® Program encouraged her to save. 

Exterior of Southwestern adobe home

Spring Real Estate Report: Albuquerque Area and Tri-Valley, California

Learn about the current real estate market in the Albuquerque and Tri-Valley areas.

Woman sitting on grass using tablet outside

Sunward's Online & Mobile Banking System: One Year Later

We have performed a number of updates to our new online and mobile banking system to ensure it is meeting the needs of our members.

Smiling couple sitting on park bench looking at smartphone.

Online Banking Access for Joint Account Owners

Based on member feedback, we have implemented an online banking enhancement allowing joint owners on personal accounts the ability to see and transact on those accounts in online banking.